is this the missing piece of lasting weight loss?

You’ve done the diets, attended the slimming clubs, had the gym membership and committed to that Couch to 5K app, but no matter how hard you have tried, the weight loss stalled and you gained back everything you lost, and more!

Don’t stress!


To us at Transform Hub, it’s really simple what has happened here and it is easily fixable.

How do we fix that?

With accountability. And it is our specialism here at the Hub. It’s how we transform the lives of 10000s of people every year.

Accountability is big news when it comes to initial rapid weight loss and then that all important maintenance. Because who wants to put their backside into losing it in the first place for it to all come back on again? Not us! And certainly not you. You work too damn hard to see all that effort go to waste.

What does the science say?

A study on the National Institutes of Health's PubMed Central, demonstrates how crucial accountability is for weight loss success.

"The Role of Accountability in Weight Loss Maintenance: A Randomized Controlled Trial," took a group of people who'd successfully shed some weight and split them into different groups, each using different accountability tricks. One group used self-monitoring tools like food diaries and fitness trackers, another had regular face-to-face chats with a weight loss coach, and the third did a mix of both.

What the Study Found

Turns out, the group doing the combo – self-monitoring and chatting with a coach – was the real winner in keeping that weight off long-term. It seems having a mix of personal tracking and outside support is the magic formula.

How to be more accountable

If you’re joining Transform Hub, we keep you accountable in many different ways;

The Transform Hub App

We have a powerful coach in your pocket app, the Transform Hub Coach app that helps you track multiple habits per day. If you have smart tech like an Apple Watch, FitBit, Whoop Band, Oura Ring or Garmin, it can link to this tech and track how much you sleep, your steps and other important health data. This data enables your Transform Hub coach to get a full picture of what is happening in your life and advise tweaks and changes accordingly.

On the Transform Hub Coach App you can also easily and simply access your nutrition guidance and track your meals. You take photos of your food and upload them to the app for your coach to see what you’re eating and help guide you on what to tweak for the greatest results.

You’ll also chat with your coach on a 1:1 basis via the app and get answers to all your questions.

In Sessions - Personal Training Support

In your powerful Transform Hub sessions we meet you where you’re at and tailor the workouts to you and your strengths. This keeps you accountable because we’re maximising your efforts for the quickest fat loss and strength improvements each time.

In the Community

Our private Facebook communities and group chats on the Transform Hub coach app keeps you motivated and accountable. We’ll shout you out and praise your efforts, we’ll inspire you and everyone in the community motivates one another.

Phone Calls

If you don’t come to the Hub, we’ll call you. We won’t let you slip away. We encourage you back when life gets tough because it’s natural to think “I’m too stressed and too busy” but we know that’s when you need us most.

InBody Scan

Our NHS-backed InBody body composition scanners keep you accountable by tracking so much more than weight loss. The number on the scale is just one small way to track your progress. Using the InBody scan gives you a greater picture of your health and tracks important data like visceral fat - the harmful fat that can accumulate around your internal organs and also your muscle gain.

How to Be Self-Accountable

Transform Hub might not be for you. So without all that additional accountability above, how can you use accountability to succeed when it comes to weight loss?

‘What Gets Measured Gets Managed’

One of our favourite phrases is ‘what gets measured gets managed’ and keeping track of certain data points yourself will help you see in which direction your results are going. Ideas such as keeping a written food journal or tracking your food on websites such as MyFitnessPal can help. You can also keep visual food diaries by taking photos using apps such as See How You Eat. Track your steps via your smart tech, aiming to increase your steps each week. Try and spot patterns and make sure you’re sticking to your goals.

Get an Accountability Buddy

Who in your life can help you? A friend? Colleague? Family member? Can you organise active meet-ups rather than meals out or nights in the pub? What about hikes, hire a paddleboard on the nearest lake or go on a walk and talk on your lunch. There are many ways to connect with others over something a little more active.

Mix it Up

The study above says combining self-monitoring and external support is the sweet spot. So, try different things – join a support group, get a new sporty hobby, or dive into tech for some tracking fun.

Help Yourself Succeed with Accountability

Being accountable can be a game-changer on your weight loss journey. The study above shows how a mix of self-tracking and outside support is the real secret sauce. So, take these findings, roll with them, and make your weight loss journey your own. Accountability isn't a one-size-fits-all deal, so figure out what works best for you and go crush those weight loss goals!

Of course, if you know you need additional support and accountability with a life-changing 6 week body transformation challenge (that has guaranteed results or your money back!) click the link below to apply to your local Transform Hub.


“Going into my 60s sexier, slimmer and stronger than ever!” Cath Hartley’s story


“I was told I’d die if I didn’t take action” - Alex’s story